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Freedom One
KYGC 05,06,07,08
Bikeonen Industries
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Latest News For Freedom One

Bikeonen Industries News

1-26-13:still have yet to recive a motor remeber you get a % off  a certain car made by Bikeonen Industries


3/21/05-Freedom One adds news section to the website
Freedom one is sponsoring another website by me called Patrick's Fleet this is mostly a startrek site so for you trekkies pls enjoy!!!Thanks
Freedom One

All of us at Freedom One wish you all a happy and safe new year!!!And dont forget to cover it up!!!
Freedom One


6/8/06-Pride Month!!
Happy Pride from all of us at freedom One

12/28/06- All of us at freedom one wish You all a happy and safe 2007!!!!
6/1/11- happy pride mounth show your pride!!! sry its been awile we have updated the site an added a new section thanks-freedom one

Happy new year from me at freedomone This site has not had much traffic so i will try promote it again though Pats rock light productions vids but if their is nothing by this time next yr this site will change to an everything site it will include Freedomone,Bikeonen Motor cars,ACAPA, etc...
Added New content the Trueness/Pride Awards from Pats Rock Light Productions
This site is shutting down due to inactivity as of today be wrking on moving it all out and changeing it

2014-Drag Pageants for you and idea I came up with to create a series based on drag kings and queens doing a number of talents

A.C.A.P.A. news

1-26-13:going to get with pat's rock light productions to produce another video

issued 2 videos with PRLP
Working on a new series with PRLP

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