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Freedom One
KYGC 05,06,07,08
Bikeonen Industries
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Members Page

Freedom One


Welcome to Freedom One

We are a club that bleves in freedom for gays,lesbains,Bisexual, and strait pepole thats siding for us


We are the organization that belive in the same ideal that you are free be who you want to be but we will not tolorate HATE of any sort.I my self i am a gay male in the someset kentucky area wanting things to change for young kids or adults who question their sexuality and have no one to talk too.This organization is not about sex If you meet someone you like and date them thats your busness.In this group we will not tolerate any hatefull remarks to any member If you have a problem please tell Us so we can delete them from the group so that we dont have any problems. Thanks
Freedom One

The projects we will be wrking on projects
Our Life Our Right
relesed 6-10-11
Other Projects
we plan on making some paplets that consulers can give to students and also plan on prep rally's schools permitting some time in the near future
Somerset,KY Gay Pride Festival
Freedom One may host a gay pride festival whenever we have enough people who will come or support  may be at pulaski co. park or at freedom one HQ it will be a weekend b4 the car show

Drag Pageants for you

Post you drag videos here with what ever talent you have the most talented will be posted online on you tube with association with Pats Rock Light Productions

Post your videos here

Here I will explane to you the purpose of our organization.

Why are we here?

We are here for people like us.We are hear to help them and to gide them with Pepole to help you with your problems.Think your gay or lesbain dont know how to tell your parents, freinds, relatives, or Teachers we can help you in our organization we know how you feel and are consurned about you.We are also against bully towards anyone one of the commandments in the bible is love thy neighbor as thy self so lets stop the hate today!
Our Mission
Our mission is to help anyone in help and help gide their way no matter if your straight,gay,lesbain, bisexual,or transgenderd we can help you
We are always looking for people interested in joining our organization.
How Can You Join?
To join just email us at and i'll send you and applacation via e-mail by me the leader of Freedom One or join our new yahoo group site
Who Can Join?
Anyone! No matter if your white,black,male,female,straight,gay,lesbain, or bisexual any one can join just e-mail us at

Our mission

We all have a common goal to be free to be who we want to be who we are the more member we get the more we fight together for this goal. our benifits are to be able to express yourself truely


you will find out more information on us as you contunie on this page if you wish you my send pictures of yourself so we can post it on our website.

Freedom One

If you have any ideas on how to further inprove our website e-mail me at

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