
Flagwave Studios
Production Preveiws

Information and History on us


1995-PJB Radio 1st airs but only for a sort period of time

1997-PJB Radio go to taped sessions

1998-2000 FRNN Radio takes over still Taped sessions

2000-2003 Flagwave Radio takes over still tapped sessions but very few  mostly internet bound now and into other Media

2005 Flagwave Studious is formed

2006 Flagwave Studios join with Pat's Rock Light Productions

jan-feb 2007 Pat's Rock light Produtions puts out a side animation "its ok to be gay" Mostly pictures and other artwork done by the producer 1st attempt using movie making software

june-nov 2007 work on the 1st series the fedirators

Dec 31 2007 The Fedirators 1st actually appear (animation form) on You Tube

Jan 2008 Talks about a new movie to come out in 2010 called the  Men In Drag

Feb 2008 a teser film relesed on you tube for Men In Drag Script is begun being written

jan 2009-Obama Tribute

2009-Join the Fedirators & Fedirators as the Borg

2011-Our life our right, ACAPA, The Naughty boy(Christmas poem)

2012-Freedom One asks PRLP to make a promotion video posted on youtube later that year as well as Trueness and pride awards promo and 5years on youtube with previews of what's coming soon

2013-Oh danny boy my attempt at singing, New PRLP symbol

oct 2013-The Feirator Halloween

2014-With association with freedom one presents a series called Drag Pageants for You as well a personal one Our Carnival cruises so far

Dec 2014-A Fedirator Christmas Spectacular

Jan 2016-A Fedirator New Year

July 2016-Top reasons ACAPA

Oct 2016-Stupid America

2017-new intro

2017-The Fedirators Bringing it Back Again!

Dec 2017-Trump the Orange Skin Man

2018-Bykonen Philosophes and Theories

July 14 2018-The Fedirators Opps..I Did it Again

Pat's Rock light Productions by flagwave Studios is in the movie making and animation we are every day trying to improve on our abilites to make our movies better but if you or someone you know has had an experance with this stuff b4 please feel free to contact me

Flgwave Stud.

we need any help we can get


A Flagwave Studios company