Flagwave Studios
Production Preveiws



Welcome to The Fedirators page our mission is to party until time runs out

History of the Fedirators

1999-The Fedirators initiative was started

2000-Fedirators Millennium Party

2001-Fedirator tribute to 9-11

2003-Fedirator captain graduates High school party

2006-Fedirators join Pats Rock Light Productions

2007-The 1st animated series of The Fedirators appears on youtube

2009-2nd series appear on youtube asks people to join for next Americas got talent

2013-The Fedirator Halloween

2014-A Fedirator Christmas Spectacular

2016-A Fedirator New Year

2017-The Fedirators Bringing it Back Again

Dec 2017-Trump the orange skin man

July 14 2018-The Fedirators Opps...I Did it Again

Crew Members

Captain-Patrick Bykonen
Tactical officer-Available
Sci officer-Available
Med officer-Available
Communications officer-Available
Ops officer-Available


the USS-Fedirators NCC-1777-B (voy era fedirators)
the ship was on a peace misson in the gamma Quadrent when it was reqruited by Starfleet to find USS-Voyager and bring her saftley home when the ship was on the edge of the Gamma/Delta Quadrent the ship was engaged by several borg ships and was able to survivie all the attacks and destroy all the borg ships utill just when it crossed over to the delta Quadrent it picked up a distress single from a old constituon ship the USS-Fargutt the ship whent to investagate and when the lowered their shields they were attacked by a clocked borg spere they were over comed and was assimalated later in the 25th century during the borg civil war a borg cube was here to assimalate eath again the old captain was called Pecker of borg but starfleet used the same tactics that voy used on seven of nine and the captain was back of a new ship USS-Fedirator NCC-1777-D

July 14 is Fedirator day so all of us here at Flagwave Studios, Pats Rock Light Productions, and the fedirators wants you too watch, share, comment, like, and post all the fedirators series listed in this link

The Fedirators

on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, whatever and have a HAPPY FEDIRATOR DAY!!

The Fedirators

A Flagwave Studios company