Production Preveiws

Flagwave Studios
Production Preveiws

Men In Drag

Production Pictures



Hatearoid Flag

Hatearoid:A religous Fanatic or religous member of any church that belives being gay is a sin and that they all burn in hell and  think they are all evil and tries at nothing to make them stop even killing inocent gay men

3 yellow stripes represents rays of light the big red X with stars represent the NO to the gays belivefs stars represent every state that has joined the movement the yellow right way cross is god in heven the red reversed cross is the devil in hell and the green on the right with the writing "All Faqs go to Hell!" represent what they belive is true


Evil American Flag

Evil American:usally a sraight person how hates gays and does not belive in god or does not go to church some of them are just confused about  their sexuality or try to hide it

Evil America's National Flag like US Flag

Black insted of blue

Blue insted of White(except on the Stars)

Stars flipped verticaly(shows the mirror of the US)

Black-Darkness of space


Red-Blood of the enemy

MID Flag

13 red and white stipes means their origanaly from America the Multi color banner is the gay pride and the liberty hand and multi colored torch represents the freedom to do what you feel is right


G.O.D. Flag(recent)
G.O.D.- Gay Ordanacie of Democracy


Gay Alliace Fleet Flag (Gay Alliace Union Jack Flag)

Men in drag movie Poster


Battle Flag evil Americans

the red and white stipes still represent the 13 colonies

Black-Blackness of Space

Reversed Star-they will fall

Evil red Eyes-Be frighted of us


The Gay Fleet Badge


Men in Drag personel

left is Miss Snowflake right is miss lotsofbottom

The Fedirators


The Fedirator Uniform


Sarda Class Refit II USS-Fedirator NCC-1777-B

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